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Procedural Deficiencies Hamstring Employment Discrimination Appeal
Hardin Law Group

Workplaces in California can often be environments filled with interpersonal conflicts. While some disputes may stem from personality clashes or disagreements, others may escalate into unlawful treatment or discrimination, especially when superiors exploit their positions of power. Not every conflict in the workplace rises to this level, and it is the role of California courts…

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Understanding Employee Retaliation Claims in California
Hardin Law Group

California employment law provides robust protections for employees against discrimination, harassment, unlawful termination, and more. Importantly, the law also shields employees from retaliation when they raise complaints, attempt to resolve issues, or take other actions in response to workplace problems. Recently, a California Court of Appeal opinion clarified what is required for an employee’s retaliation…

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California Courts Resist Broad Protections from Forced Arbitration for Victims of Workplace Sexual Harassment and Assault
Hardin Law Group

There is a growing trend among employment rights advocates, legislatures, and some courts to weaken the power of employers to force employees into arbitration agreements. While such agreements are enforceable under many circumstances, there are cases where forced arbitration clauses have been rejected as unconscionable. In 2022, the U.S. Congress passed a law to protect…

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Police Officer’s Firing Upheld upon Credible Finding of Workers’ Compensation Fraud
Hardin Law Group

In California, both public and private employees injured on the job are entitled to workers’ compensation insurance coverage. This coverage is designed to pay all or part of their wages while they are recovering from work-related injuries. However, to receive these benefits, employees must adhere to specific rules and guidelines, including attending medical appointments and…

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What Forms of Evidence Can You Obtain in an Employment Discrimination Lawsuit?
Hardin Law Group

When an employee brings a discrimination, harassment, or retaliation lawsuit, the employee and their employer often undergo discovery, through which both parties share relevant evidence with the opposing party. The law allows a few exceptions to discovery requirements, including attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine. A party does not have to share confidential communications with…

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What Is the Exhaustion of Remedies Requirement in California Employment Disputes?
Hardin Law Group

Under California law, employees who wish to bring a claim for employment discrimination, harassment, or retaliation must exhaust their administrative remedies before filing a lawsuit in state court. To exhaust their remedies, employees must first file a complaint with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing, which investigates the claim. Following an investigation, the…

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Can You Obtain Compensation for Travel Time and Security Checks from a California Employer?
Hardin Law Group

In California, certain construction employees are entitled to at least minimum wage compensation for “hours worked” under the Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Wage Order Number 16. The IWC also provides for compensation for “employer-mandated travel.” However, these definitions are not always clear-cut. For example, employees in the construction, drilling, logging, and mining industries often spend…

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What Happens When Employers Violate a California Collective Bargaining Agreement?
Hardin Law Group

Typically, a workers’ union will negotiate with an employer for a collective bargaining agreement, which specifies the terms and conditions of employment. Most agreements prohibit either the union or the employer from changing a work policy without engaging in the bargaining process. When an employer unilaterally adopts a new policy, the union may file a…

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How Do Courts Determine Attorney’s Fees in Trade Secrets Cases?
Hardin Law Group

Misappropriation of trade secrets refers to sharing a company’s confidential business information, typically with a competitor. An employer may bring a lawsuit accusing an employer of misappropriating trade secrets. Typically, an employer will seek relief that orders the employee to stop sharing trade secrets. Additionally, an employer will seek attorney’s fees for the costs it…

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Can Social Media Posts Show Workplace Harassment?
Hardin Law Group

In a claim of employment discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, the parties may submit social media posts as evidence before the court. For example, a person’s social media posts may contain direct threats against a colleague or refer to them using discriminatory language. However, if the colleague posts to their private social media account rather than…

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I worked with James Hardin on a case against a former employer. He listened to my complaints, outlined the potential case, and went right to work contacting them and...

Kandice L. Manhattan

My family had an employment law issue and needed some assistance and advice. We did not engage the firm to represent us, just help us out and see if it needed to go that...

Matt H. Manhattan

James is an incredibly intelligent and hardworking attorney. After presenting him with a difficult case, I am more than satisfied at the settlement that was reached. He...

Arpee O. Manhattan


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