News & Insights

FMLA and Employee Leave
Hardin Law Group

Is your Orange County employer complying with the various federal and state laws that govern the amount of time off certain employees must be allowed? For example, the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is one such set of guidelines and can be tricky to navigate, especially when it appears that an employee does not actually…

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Examples of Unlawful Dismissal in the Workplace
Hardin Law Group

Have you been treated unfairly at work because of your age? Sex? Race? Both federal and California law clearly prohibit your employer from discriminating against you (such as by dismissing you or demoting you) for a number of reasons, including your race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and age. California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA)…

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Records Your California Employer Must Keep
Hardin Law Group

Some California business owners not aware of the detailed record keeping that is required of them. Under the FLSA, there are certain records every California employer must keep for non-exempt workers. Those include: Your employer needs to preserve payroll records, collective bargaining agreements, sales and purchase records for at least three years. Records on which…

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What is the FLSA?
Hardin Law Group

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which affect many private and public companies; including those in California, prescribes standards for the basic minimum wage and overtime pay. The FSLA is administered by the Employment Standards Administration’s Wage and Hour Division within the U.S. Department of Labor. The basic requirements of the FLSA include: While the…

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GINA and Employee Medical Testing
Hardin Law Group

In many cases, a potential employee’s family history is a great indicator of predispositions to certain hereditary diseases and illnesses. In a perfect world, this information could assist employers in making hiring, firing, and demoting decisions, potentially affecting a business’s bottom line for the better. However, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA) prohibits…

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Marijuana and the California Workplace
Hardin Law Group

Can employees in California smoke marijuana at their place of work? Or test positive for drug tests? While at least some states (including California) are allowing the use of medicinal marijuana and two more (Colorado and Washington) are allowing recreational marijuana use, federal law does not necessarily agree with its legality. In fact, courts consistently…

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Not All Employee Speech on Social Media is Protected
Hardin Law Group

As many Orange County business owners should be aware, the National Labor Relations Board continues to focus on the issue of social media in the workplace. While the NLRB routinely gives employees some leeway for what some might consider “unprofessional” social networking etiquette, a recent pro-employer decision indicates that there is in fact a line…

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See What Our Clients Are Saying

I worked with James Hardin on a case against a former employer. He listened to my complaints, outlined the potential case, and went right to work contacting them and...

Kandice L. Manhattan

My family had an employment law issue and needed some assistance and advice. We did not engage the firm to represent us, just help us out and see if it needed to go that...

Matt H. Manhattan

James is an incredibly intelligent and hardworking attorney. After presenting him with a difficult case, I am more than satisfied at the settlement that was reached. He...

Arpee O. Manhattan


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